Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bullying statistics around the globe

This are some Bullying statistics that show percentages of highschool students being bullied around the globe according to real facts and data. This website also shows how to deal with bullying.


What to do if your bullied (options)

If you are being bullied and you are afraid to talk please visit this link and follow intructions on how to deal with bullying.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oswaldo's Reflection

This week has been very important and I believe that I have been working a lot to finish our whole project. This week I used the library to print out papers we still need to be finished with and I also finished organizing and finding everything we needed in out binders. I deserve a 9.5 because i did everything we were supposed to do this weeka and tomorrow I am going to go check the bullying boxes for more information.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Oswaldo's Reflection

Today has been a good day my partner and I have been checking to see anything new in the Bullying boxes but so far nothing has come up yet. We have definetely completed everything inside our binder and I have finished the final draft. My hardworking partner and I deserve a 10 this week.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


This week was a little easy and rough at the same. With our cooperation and encouragement, we were able to achieve couple things like finishing up our final draft and finding sources. We worked hard to make our work successful. I deserve an 9.5 because of my progress.

Oswaldo Reflection

I Oswaldo Jimenez have almost finished the Final draft and I am working on it very hard each day in class. Me and my partner Abraham re also working on a video clip that we are going to show on next's thursday assembly. We have been gathering people to work with us and help us by being in the video. This people would help and will be bullied in the video, by this we will try to get the message out of no bullying.