Thursday, October 27, 2011


This week was a little easy and rough at the same. With our cooperation and encouragement, we were able to achieve couple things like finishing up our final draft and finding sources. We worked hard to make our work successful. I deserve an 9.5 because of my progress.

Oswaldo Reflection

I Oswaldo Jimenez have almost finished the Final draft and I am working on it very hard each day in class. Me and my partner Abraham re also working on a video clip that we are going to show on next's thursday assembly. We have been gathering people to work with us and help us by being in the video. This people would help and will be bullied in the video, by this we will try to get the message out of no bullying.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oswaldo Reflection

This week I put an extreme effort to finish the final draft of our research paper and fix the errors and everything my partner and I worked together and almost finished a complete final draft. We have also worked on completing and organizing our binder the way is suppose to be. I printed out some of the work we need and I finished organizing the binder.


This week was a little harsh and pressuring; we editted our draft and made couple of corrections. We also checked our bully boxes and found several notes and complains. I deserve an 10 for my effort and participation.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oswaldo Reflection

This week has been great so far and I have done a lot in this week. I believe that I deserve a 10 because i put an extreme effort on my work for my capstone project. First on wednesday I went to the store and bought materials to make anti bullying ribbons so all the seniors could wear them in order to support antibullying. I also took my time on the research paper and completed 6 pages of it abraham will do the rest. I also believe i did a very good job this week and I am proud of it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oswaldos reflection

This week Abrahm and I worked very hard to accomplish our goals. I finished the outline on time and I have also gone and worked making up missing work. Today We are going to check on the boxes and also to Mrs.Nash so we can let her know what we are doing so far. I believe i deserve a 9 because i worked efficiently and properly on all my work today.


This week, my partner Oswaldo and I finished our outline, activity sheet, and task paper. We went to Coach Nash to talk about our project and inform her about the notes we found in the bully boxes. However, I think i deserve an 9 for my participation and coorperation i put to get our project task done.