Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bullying statistics around the globe

This are some Bullying statistics that show percentages of highschool students being bullied around the globe according to real facts and data. This website also shows how to deal with bullying.


What to do if your bullied (options)

If you are being bullied and you are afraid to talk please visit this link and follow intructions on how to deal with bullying.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oswaldo's Reflection

This week has been very important and I believe that I have been working a lot to finish our whole project. This week I used the library to print out papers we still need to be finished with and I also finished organizing and finding everything we needed in out binders. I deserve a 9.5 because i did everything we were supposed to do this weeka and tomorrow I am going to go check the bullying boxes for more information.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Oswaldo's Reflection

Today has been a good day my partner and I have been checking to see anything new in the Bullying boxes but so far nothing has come up yet. We have definetely completed everything inside our binder and I have finished the final draft. My hardworking partner and I deserve a 10 this week.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


This week was a little easy and rough at the same. With our cooperation and encouragement, we were able to achieve couple things like finishing up our final draft and finding sources. We worked hard to make our work successful. I deserve an 9.5 because of my progress.

Oswaldo Reflection

I Oswaldo Jimenez have almost finished the Final draft and I am working on it very hard each day in class. Me and my partner Abraham re also working on a video clip that we are going to show on next's thursday assembly. We have been gathering people to work with us and help us by being in the video. This people would help and will be bullied in the video, by this we will try to get the message out of no bullying.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oswaldo Reflection

This week I put an extreme effort to finish the final draft of our research paper and fix the errors and everything my partner and I worked together and almost finished a complete final draft. We have also worked on completing and organizing our binder the way is suppose to be. I printed out some of the work we need and I finished organizing the binder.


This week was a little harsh and pressuring; we editted our draft and made couple of corrections. We also checked our bully boxes and found several notes and complains. I deserve an 10 for my effort and participation.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oswaldo Reflection

This week has been great so far and I have done a lot in this week. I believe that I deserve a 10 because i put an extreme effort on my work for my capstone project. First on wednesday I went to the store and bought materials to make anti bullying ribbons so all the seniors could wear them in order to support antibullying. I also took my time on the research paper and completed 6 pages of it abraham will do the rest. I also believe i did a very good job this week and I am proud of it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oswaldos reflection

This week Abrahm and I worked very hard to accomplish our goals. I finished the outline on time and I have also gone and worked making up missing work. Today We are going to check on the boxes and also to Mrs.Nash so we can let her know what we are doing so far. I believe i deserve a 9 because i worked efficiently and properly on all my work today.


This week, my partner Oswaldo and I finished our outline, activity sheet, and task paper. We went to Coach Nash to talk about our project and inform her about the notes we found in the bully boxes. However, I think i deserve an 9 for my participation and coorperation i put to get our project task done.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This week, I also followed the NHS members to inform students about Bullying and its consequences. I also took a tour in my community alerting folks about bullying. My partner Oswaldo and I posted posters about Bullying around the school I deserve an 9 because of my effort and participation.

Oswaldo's Reflection

Today has been a great day, me and my partner abraham have been working hard on the posters and we found something intersting. We finally got letters from students that are being bullied and we are going to investigate this as soon as possible. I believe i deserve a 9 this week because I have worked really really hard in my research against bullying and i have found a lot of important education and how bullying affects students in their daily life. I have also worked on the posters with my partner abraham and the biggest achievement I have done this week is talk about bullying in middle school homerooms in the morning and i feel great about doing that.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reflection...Abraham K.

My partner Oswaldo J. and I worked really hard this week and completed almost half of our project. We checked our bully boxes last friday, but didn't find any notes or report yet. However, we wandered the halls and classes during advisory educating and informing students about bully. I worked with the NHS members going about giving awareness about Bully. We also reminded them about the boxes in the office. I deserve an 9 because of my cooperation and responsibility. I took part and collaborated with NHS members even though im not a candidate.

Oswaldo Reflection

My parter Abrahma K. and I worked really hard this week. We've been going to middle school classes warming students about bullying, giving studetns the consequences of bukllying and showing them what to do if they ever encounter a situation like that. I believe I have worked really hard this week because I have tried my best of my abilities to talk to student and show them waht to do when bullying faces another student. Of what I have done I deserve a 9

Friday, September 16, 2011

Abrahim K Reflection

Capstone is more like a global project; you get to learn about different chaos around the world. Our capstone project is Bullying. I'm very into it; I'm the type of students who's concern about others. However, I put too much effort to this project due to the fact that i sacrificed time and walk around my community asking people about Bullying. I deserve an 9 because of my contribution and participation put in my project. My partner Oswaldo and I created posters to raise awareness and alert students about Bullying and their consequences

Oswaldo reflection

I Oswaldo Jimenez worked really hard this week. First I started to alert some of my friends in looking around for students who are being bullied. I also told them to invite people in lunch and sit by them so they wont be alone. I worked on the posters during class and we are almost finished with them. Each poster alerts of bullying and one of the posters will have the consquences in bullying. I believe that i deserve a 8.5 or a 9 this week. I put extreme effort to everything i was doing today and this whole week.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oswaldo Reflection

I Oswaldo Jimenez, believe I should get a 9 because i took time and effort doing and decorating the antibullying boxes. I worked on them for about 3 hours and I got desperate over time but it was worth it because i did them right.My partner abraham contributed on helping me write on the boxes and set them in their place so i would him him an 9 too. I believe We both did pretty good and put extreme effort.


I, Abrahim Kamara put an extreme effort to our capstone project just to make sure we were on task. I did my best and completed every assignments that my partner, Oswaldo Jimenez appoint me. I had to create posters, do research, and acquire some shoe boxes. I also walked communities alerting and informing people about Bullying. However, I think I deserve an 8 or 9 because of my hardwork, participation, and coorperation I'd applied to get my work done.